Swimming is a healthy way to do for all human. It also offers several advantages for pregnant women—helps pregnant women sleep more deeply, can relieve nausea, strengthens muscles—including the muscles around the hips making it easier for mothers in childbirth. Other benefits are also obtained from pregnant women in which the therapeutic swimming activity for healthy joints and muscles, and of course the maintenance of heart health. Swimming can be done from the first trimester pregnant women until the third. Only pregnant women should be careful when swimming before delivery. Because most mother’s womb, and increasing burden, care for pregnant women easily fall or slip. Here we have some safe ways for pregnant women to swim, check it out! 1.Wearing a comfortable bathing suit, not too narrow or eliminate the stomach. Also use shoes or slip-resistant shoes (water shoes) to pregnant women do not slip. 2.Do not swim for long, only 20-30 minutes. Swim for too long can increase the temperature in the uterus that can harm the fetus. 3.Swimming with ease. Avoid jerking or movements of swimming style that is draining a lot of energy. 4.Do not force yourself to keep moving. If you are tired of rest or relax yourself floating. 5.Avoid swimming in the hot sun or at night when the weather is very cold. 6.If swimming in public pools, make sure the pool is clean and cleaned regularly, not too crowded and the area is safe. 7.Eating nutritious foods and beverages high fetal growth.