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Turkey and the U.S. have agreed that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and local forces will participate in the offensive to liberate Raqqa from the control of Islamic State (IS) terrorists, Turkish presidential spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin told press on Monday.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that Manbij is Turkey's first priority as part of its Euphrates Shield Operation, adding that the so called IS capital, Raqqa, would be the second target.

Turkish troops along with Ankara-backed FSA rebels have been fighting for Syria's al-Bab against the IS for over one month and clashes intensified last week.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, comprised mainly of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party Union (PYD) and its military wing, the People's Protection Unit (YPG), along with Syrian Arabs, liberated Manbij from the IS in early August.

Turkey launched the Euphrates Shield operation on Aug. 24, to free its border of terrorist organizations, which not only include the IS, but also the PYD and YPG. Turkey considers both of the PYD and YPG as terror organizations, due to their ties to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

The U.S., on the other hand, regards the PYD and YPG as "reliable" partners in the fight against IS in Syria, even though it also designates the PKK as a terrorist organization.

"After Manbij, comes Raqqa if we can collaborate with the United States in the new era," said Erdogan, "Turkey is a global power; you should know this," he added.

Source: Xinhua