Syrians in the occupied village of Baqaatha.

Syrians in occupied Syrian Golan on Tuesday morning held a sit-in front of the Secondary School in the occupied town of Majdal Shams to express rejection of holding the so-called “local council’s elections” which are scheduled to be held today and which the Israeli occupation is trying to impose on them amid a deployment of occupation’s forces which tried to disperse them.

A state of popular anger prevailed among the citizens who gathered since the early morning in the town to prevent the holding of the so-called “elections”.

In a statement issued on Monday, Syrians in the occupied village of Baqaatha reiterated their standing in the face of the Zionist measures which aim at Judaizing the occupied Golan and obliterating its identity.

They affirmed their adherence to their belonging to the homeland and to the Syrian Arab identity.