Syrian rebels shell government-held areas after Aleppo supply line cut

Syrian regime troops have shelled some areas in Bostan al Pasha, Karam al Jabal, al Halak and Baidain districts of Aleppo, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said.

At least one person was killed in Karam al Jabal Tuesday, according to SOHR.

Factions, meanwhile, dropped barrel bombs on areas controlled by the Syrian regime in Salahuddin district of Aleppo, the observatory said.

It added that six members of one family were killed in a rocket attack that targeted areas in al Borj village in al Bab al Shamali. 

Clashes erupted late Monday between regime troops and armed factions in Bostan al Pasha, al Enzarat and Karam al Jabal districts of Aleppo, the observatory noted.

The factions were able to arrest three regime troops in Karam al Jabal, it added.

Source: MENA