The White Helmets attempt to rescue survivors from an alleged Russian or regime raid

The death toll of the Russian raids over Idlib over the past three days has risen to 121, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army forces, backed by their allies, continued to advance into Aleppo where they took full control of the strategic Shaar neighborhood.

News of Syrian army gains come at a time the United States and Russia are preparing to discuss facilitating the surrender and evacuation of rebels from Aleppo.

Aleppo, once Syria's commercial powerhouse, has been largely divided since 2012 between a rebel-held east and a government-controlled west, and has suffered some of the war's worst violence. The government has in recent weeks, with Russian air support, launched a huge offensive to retake the entire city. 

Government forces won control of seven Aleppo districts on Tuesday and were in control of more than three quarters of former rebel-held territory in the divided northern city, according to the Syrian media.

Source: MENA