Russian center: Convoy will deliver over 150 tons of humanitarian aid to Aleppo

A convoy of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria has delivered more than 150 tonnes of humanitarian aid to residents of eastern Aleppo, Russia Today reported. 

A sea transport has delivered a total of 280 tonnes of articles of daily necessity, including food.

"The cargo was delivered from Russia at the beginning of this week by a sea transport with the use of dry-cargo vessels. A total of 15 40-foot containers with humanitarian aid have been delivered for Aleppo residents affected by the hostilities," representative of the Russian Armed Forces’ Military Transportation Service, Major Eduard Goryunov, said.

The humanitarian cargo weighing over 280 tonnes includes rice, sugar, wheat flour, canned food, tea, that is, all kinds of food the city’s residents need badly, said representative of the Russian Reconciliation Center, Major Andrei Glushkov.

Bags and boxes with foodstuffs were reloaded from shipping containers into trucks and delivered to the refugee camps.

The Russian military deployed 150 field kitchens providing hot meals in the centers for internally displaced persons. Delivery of warm clothes, drinking water and food has been organized. The sick and wounded get medical care.

To date, the Syrian government troops have liberated more than 40% of Aleppo’s eastern neighborhoods, which are home to nearly 90,000 people.

Source: MENA