“Made in Syria” Exhibition, currently opened in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, is witnessing a great turnout.

“Made in Syria” Exhibition, currently opened in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, is witnessing a great turnout.
“ We aspire to increase the volume of trade exchange between Syria and Iraq to more than USD 4 billion,” Syria’s Ambassador in Baghdad, Sattam Jad’an al-Dandah, said in a statement to SANA.

He added the exhibition came within the framework of the cooperation between the two brotherly countries on all levels, mainly the economic and commercial level.

The Ambassador said that following the exhibition a permanent market for the Syrian productions will be opened in Baghdad in response to the Iraqi citizens’ desire.

The Ambassador pointed out that the future vision of the Syrian-Iraqi relations are represented in the common desire in developing them in all levels to serve the interests of the two brotherly people who were targeted by the Takfiri terrorism for their vital role throughout history of the nation and the region.

The exhibition opened on Sunday with the participation of about 200 Syrian companies specialized in the engineering, health, food and textile industries

Source: SANA