Syrians living in Aleppo say thefts and kidnappings are on the rise throughout the city, causing some residents to fear leaving their homes. As fighting throughout Syria continues, residents say thieves are preying on the weak in Aleppo and other cities, The New York Times reported. \"No one wants to leave their houses, because you never know who is going to stop you or attack you,\" said Yasmin, 50, a resident of Aleppo. \"Chaos, lawlessness, fear, it is just so chaotic, and with all the thugs in the streets, you never know who might kidnap you and ask for a ransom.\" Yasmin said her 65-year-old cousin was robbed of $70 in his garden at 1:30 p.m. \"We\'ve all become a lot more careful since that incident,\" Yasmin said. \"Can you imagine? It\'s not even safe to carry $70.\" Rebel leaders said they have been trying to patrol areas where police officers have fled. \"We are running patrols to protect our areas from thieves and criminals,\" said Abu Mohammad, 30, a rebel fighter in eastern Aleppo. However, rebels have been seen stealing cars and destroying a restaurant in Aleppo where Syrian soldiers have sometimes eaten. \"The city of Aleppo has become like the wild,\" said Hur, who was kidnapped and held for a $30,000 ransom. \"The big fish eat the small ones.\"