The UN peacekeeping mission in Cote d\'Ivoire is organizing terrestrial and night patrols in different regions of the West African country which is actively preparing for the parliamentary elections. \"We reached a figure of 1,234 patrols by last week,\" spokesman for the United Nations Operation in Cote d\'Ivoire (ONUCI) Hamadoun Toure said on Thursday, promising that the peacekeepers will continue with these operations of patrol to ensure election security. \"With 31 days left before the elections are held, the peacekeepers will ensure that there\'s adequate security,\" he said, noting with satisfaction \"the progress\" that has been made in the electoral process. The UN mission\'s spokesman hailed the role being played by partners in ensuring the success of the electoral process. \"ONUCI would like to encourage stakeholders to work for Cote d\'Ivoire\'s post-crisis reconstruction and for the organization of violence free elections,\" he told reporters. Cote d\'Ivoire is once again entering an electoral period after the disputed presidential elections in November 2010, which were marred by violence. The parliamentary elections supposed to renew Cote d\'Ivoire\'s legislature will be held on Dec. 11. The United Nations and other organizations have given the country multiform support in terms of sensitization of the public against violence, logistics, funds and provision of security.