Combating the threat of terrorism internationally requires coordination and cooperation between the UN Security Council committees, according to a joint statement issued here on Monday by three council committees engaged in counter-terrorism efforts. Baso Sangqu, permanent representative of South Africa to the UN, presented the joint statement to the Security Council here during a council meeting that featured briefings from chairmen of the subsidiary bodies of the 15-member UN organ for maintaining global peace and security. \"Terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction continue to pose a serious threat to international peace and security and it remains important to maintain close cooperation and effective coordination between CTC, (Counterterrorism Committee) the 1267 Committee and the 1540 Committee as well as between their expert groups,\" said Sangqu. Sangqu is currently the head of the 1540 Committee, established in 2004 pursuant to the Security Council resolution of that number. The committee evaluates the efforts of member states to prevent non-state actors, such as terrorists, from obtaining nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons as well as their means of delivery. The CTC, established soon after the 9/11 attacks in the U.S., assists member states with counter-terrorism efforts and monitors the implementation of council resolution 1373. The third committee behind the joint statement was established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1267 in 1999. It monitors an asset freeze, travel ban, and arms embargo imposed on individuals associated with Al-Qaida. Sangqu said that outreach and country visits are tools that have helped the three committees work together and better implement their mandates. \"These tools strengthen dialogue with member states, help to improve the understanding of the distinct yet complementary mandates of the three committees, and to assist in the implementation of the relevant resolutions,\" he said. Each committee has an associated expert group that provides assistance in carrying out its mandate. Sangqu said that cooperation between these expert groups is important, and has been maintained, and in some cases increased of late. \"The committees welcome the continuing efforts of the expert groups to cooperate on outreach activities and country visits, to enhance cooperation with international, regional, and sub-regional organizations, increase exchange of information, engage in joint meetings and maintain reciprocal representation,\" said Sangqu. He added that the experts from each committee have been holding joint meetings and ensuring that they communicate. \"Exchange of information among the expert groups is carried out on a regular basis,\" he said. For example, Sangqu said, the CTC\'s expert group, the Counter- Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate(CTED), has shared its monthly reports to CTC with all three committees. Sangqu noted that all three committees \"look forward to receiving further guidance from the Security Council on the areas of common interest in order to better coordinate their efforts and facilitate cooperation.\"