The Asian Group at the UN nominated, late Thursday, the 3rd Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the UN in Geneva Hassan Shaker Abu Al-Hassan as a rapporteur of the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee, Known as committee 24. Committee 24, which falls under the UN General Assembly structure, is concerned with a wide range of political issues worldwide such as peacekeeping, decolonization, Palestinian refugees and other humanitarian issues. The UN Asian Group backup for the nomination of the Kuwaiti diplomat reflects Kuwait\'s important role in supporting the UN activities. Last week, the UN General Assembly elected Kuwaiti Ambassador Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaibi as one of its 21 Vice-Presidents. It also elected Kuwaiti ambassador\'s Deputy Mohammad Al-Mutairi as Vice-Chairman of the Disarmament and International Security Committee. (end) sj.nfm KUNA 010955 Jul 11NNNN