Kuwait has boasted its joining of the United Nations Human Rights Council, noting that such a stride is the fruit of its blemish-free human rights record and reputation.Kuwait boasts for joining, this year, the UN Human Rights Council, main mission of which is boosting nations\' respect for all human rights without discrimination and tackling breaches of these rights, said Loulwa Saud Al-Rushaid, the diplomatic attache of the Kuwaiti permanent mission at the UN, in an address to the General Assembly-affiliated committee of social, human and cultural affairs -- as part of the UNGC 66th session.Kuwait is abiding by the principle of bolstering cooperation with the member states for attaining and protecting these rights, she said.The Gulf State has always been keen on protecting the human rights principles in line with the Islamic religion which stipulates equality among all peoples, calls for freedoms and justice, she said, also noting that the authorities have been keen on safeguarding the citizens\' freedom of expression, the right to education and health care, without discrimination.She condemned on behalf of the Gulf state the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people, whose rights have been breached in defiance of relevant UN resolutions.Among the Palestinians basic rights that have been violated by the Israelis is the occupation of their territories for a long period of time, she said. Moreover, Kuwait condemns the violent attacks, carried out by the Israeli settlers against the Palestinian natives --- such attacks noticeably increased in 2011.