Mohamed Moursi wins the Egypt's election

United Nations leader Ban Ki-moon that the election of Egypt`s president is just one stage of the country`s move toward democracy and that new leader Mohamed Moursi must build independent institutions.

Ban "congratulates" Moursi on his victory, said UN spokesman Martin Nesirky on Sunday, and "commends" the Egyptian people for the peaceful vote on June 16-17.

The UN leader "trusts that the president-elect will spare no effort in ensuring the people of Egypt realise their aspirations for greater democracy, the promotion of human rights, and a more prosperous and stable Egypt for all of its citizens."

Moursi`s election comes after a turbulent 18 months in which strongman leader Hosni Mubarak was brought down in an uprising and the Egyptian military has frequently been accused of braking efforts to introduce demoncracy.

"The secretary general notes that the imminent handover of power to the elected president marks the end of one important phase of Egypt`s ongoing transition to greater democracy," said Nesirky as quoted by AFP.

"He stresses the need to strengthen and build strong, independent institutions and to allow civil society to flourish and to play its role fully and freely," the spokesman added.

Source: ANTARA