The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) welcomes the generous support of the State of Kuwait through a US$ 5 million donation to help people in the city of Mosul obtain greater medical assistance, particularly the most vulnerable—women, children, the injured and people with special needs.

“We want to help ease the suffering of people living in Mosul, where too many people are in urgent need of health care,” Kuwait's Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim was quoted by Relief Web as saying.

“We will continue working with WHO to help people in places where the need is greatest.”

With military operations continuing in Mosul, WHO is working with national health authorities and health cluster partners to ensure that people with war-related trauma injuries have access to life-saving medical care. 

WHO estimates that some 40 000 civilians will need trauma care due to Mosul military operations.

“The situation in Mosul is dire, and as we gain access to more people, we are seeing that they are in urgent need of both essential health services and trauma care,” said Altaf Musani, WHO Representative in Iraq. 

WHO recently delivered life-saving medicines and medical supplies and kits inside Mosul. 

The shipment which provided materials to treat almost 13 000 patients, include chronic disease medicines, antibiotics and supplies to treat trauma injuries. However, more supplies and services are needed as the conflict continues.

In addition, more than 82 000 people from Mosul and neighbouring areas in Iraq have been displaced as a result of the ongoing conflict since 17 October.

Soure: MENA