International coalition

The U.S.-led coalition fighting Daesh terrorists on Thursday ramped up airstrikes against the group in Ramadi, while advancing Iraqi troops stalled just outside the city center for a second straight day, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Operation Inherent Resolve, the American anti-Islamic State command, said it carried out nine airstrikes against Daesh positions in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province, on Thursday.

The strikes came a day after the U.S. dropped around 50 bombs in and around Ramadi in six missions, said Colonel Steve Warren, a spokesman for the operation.

The U.S. airstrikes over the past two days have been among the most concentrated and aggressive since Iraqi forces began to encircle Ramadi late last month, he said.

Col. Warren said that a dwindling number of Daesh fighters—about 100 to 125 men—remained in the city on Thursday. There were 250 to 350 positioned there early this week and as many as 1,000 little more than two weeks ago, he said.

Source: MENA