United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it has intensified life-saving, emergency help for tens of thousands of displaced people In Iraq.

In a press conference on Friday, UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards said there has been a marked increase over the past week in the number of people fleeing after fighting intensified in the more densely populated urban areas of Mosul. 

Of the 60,000 people who have fled their homes since the start of the military campaign to retake Mosul from Daesh's grip on October 17, around 40,000 have done so since the start of November, he said. 

The agency stressed the need for sustained funding support as winter approaches, and a redoubling of efforts to reach those displaced by the fighting, many of whom now live in rudimentary conditions in camps. 

The UNHCR called on all parties in the fighting to respect the rights and lives of civilians, and emphasized the importance of freedom of movement for residents of Mosul. 

"Civilians should not be prevented from leaving the city and should have access to safe areas. Equally, civilians must not be forced to return to unsafe areas," the spokesperson said.

Source: MENA