A UNICEF-led multi-agency humanitarian convoy was the first to enter the Iraqi city of Mosul together with WFP and UNFPA.

    According to UNICEF, 14 vehicles filled with enough emergency supplies to last 15,000 children and families, a total of 30,000 people for a month, arrived to the Gogachly neighbourhood in eastern Mosul. "UNICEF has entered Mosul city for the first time in over two years," stated UNICEF Iraq Deputy Representative Hamida Ramadhani, adding that the teams, which entered the city this past Sunday, are moving quickly to provide immediate support to communities affected by the fighting. 

    Supplies included 5,000 kits of water purification tablets, high energy biscuits, jerry cans, buckets, soap, toothpaste and baby supplies. Despite a hostile and dangerous environment, the distribution of supplies was completed in six hours. 

    At least 56,000 people have been displaced from in and around Mosul, including 27,000 children and families, and up to 1.5 million remain trapped inside the city, 6000,000 of the children. UNICEF has assisted over 30,000 children in re-taken communities since 17 October.

    Other UN agencies, such as IOM are also carrying out relief operations in Mosul, targeting newly displaced people who have fled to more stable areas.

    IOM Iraq’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), used by the Government and humanitarian agencies to guide the humanitarian response, currently indicates that close to 98% of all those leaving Mosul are displaced within Ninewa governorate in northern Iraq, where IOM continues to add capacity in shelter and other inputs in anticipation of growing numbers of displaced families.

    IOM works closely with the Government of Iraq’s Ministry of Migration and Displacement (MOMD) to identify locations and develop emergency sites for the displaced population.

Source: QNA