Terrorist acts, violence and armed conflicts killed 1,003 Iraqis and wounded 1,159 others in September

Terrorist acts, violence and armed conflicts killed 1,003 Iraqis and wounded 1,159 others in September across Iraq, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) said. The figures included 609 civilians killed and 951 wounded, with 394 security members killed and 208 wounded, the UNAMI said in a statement. 

    The casualties in Iraq's western province of Anbar were excluded, as the casualty figures there for the month were unavailable due to the volatility of the situation on the ground and the disruption of services, the statement said.

    Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 1,127 civilian casualties (289 killed, 838 injured). Ninewa 42 killed and 55 injured, Salahadin 23 killed and 10 injured. Kirkuk 23 killed and nine injured, while Babil two Killed and four injured.

    According to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Directorate in Anbar, the Governorate suffered a total of 254 Civilian casualties (219 killed and 35 injured). It is a very sad state of affairs that the numbers of Iraqis killed and injured remain very high and unacceptable. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of the violence," the statement quoted the UN envoy to Iraq and the UNAMI chief Jan Kubis as saying.  "The Holy month of Muharram has started and I sincerely hope that the killings will stop during this month," Kubis said.

Source: QNA