A member of the provincial council in Salahuddin, Rashid Khurshid was killed when a car bomb exploded Tuesday morning in the district of Tuz.A police source said that the blast also killed the head of the provincial council, Sayid Qadir al-Naimi and seven of his accompanied and injuring the Mayor of the district and four others.Also Tuesday, the head of al-Rasheed municipal council, south of Baghdad, was wounded when a car bomb exploded.A police source told the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that “A car bomb exploded as the convoy of Sheikh Ammash, head of al-Rasheed municipal council passed in the area.”He added: “The blast wounded Sheikh Ammash, and four other people, with various injuries.”Meanwhile, a number of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) exploded at the main pipe of the strategic line, in a late hour on Monday north of Tikrit.A security source told ( NINA ) that “a number of improvised explosive devices exploded, late at night on Monday, at the strategic line carrying oil north of Shirqat, leaving a great fire in the pipe.