
Some 29 Daesh elements were killed in raids launched by the US-led coalition aircraft in Diyali and Anbar provinces.

A statement issued by the joint military command said 12 terrorists were killed and munition depots belonging the terrorist organization were destroyed in Diyali east northern Iraq.

The statement added that coalition and Iraqi aircraft also carried out attacks in Anbar and Ramadi killing 17 terrorists.

Earlier, the spokesman for the U.S. military command said three more senior leaders of Daesh have been killed in airstrikes carried out by the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq last month.

Army Colonel Steve Warren announced during a Pentagon briefing the deaths of Abu Salah, the group's finance minister; Abu Maryam, an "enforcer and senior leader of ISIS extortion network,'' and Abu Rahman al-Tunisi, an "executive officer'' who handles the transfer of information, people and weapons. They were all killed in late November during a bombing campaign near the town of Tal Afar, in northern Iraq.

"Killing him (Abu Salah) and his predecessors exhausts the knowledge and talent needed to coordinate funding within the organisation,'' Warren told reporters, according to NBC news.

Sources: MENA