Kurdish Peshmerga forces

Kurdish Peshmerga forces supported by international coalition warplanes managed to recapture several villages at Talskof area northern Iraq during the past hours.

The villages were seized by the terrorist group Daesh which lost 40 of its elements in the battles.

A Kurdish military source said the group started an attack by sending three suicide bombers but made slim gains in the battles.

The source added the coalition strikes helped the Peshmerga forces to recapture the villages, adding a US ground force arrived in the area to fight Daesh.

An American service member was killed in Iraq about thirty kilometers north of Mosul, according to a U.S. official.

The person was an adviser to Peshmerga forces, but was back a bit from the front lines, as is standard practice, said CNN. 

The enemy broke through the front lines of the Peshmerga and the American was killed in resulting firefight.

The U.S. responded with an F15s and drones which dropped more than 20 bombs, according to the U.S. official. There's no word on any Americans wounded. 

Source ; MENA