Around 30,000 Iraqi and Kurdish Peshmerga forces are moving forward to take control ISIS stronghold of Mosul city. source

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces, backed by the US-led coalition warplanes, continued on Tuesday purging and combing operations and removing landmines in the town of Bashiqa near the nothern city of Mosul.

According to Kurdish sources, the operation resulted in killing 31 Daesh terrorists who managed to infiltrate into Bashiqa via tunnels last night, when fierce clashes erupted between the two sides.

Earlier, Peshmerga forces captured Bashiqa town from the control of Daesh in a military operation that, according to Kurdish military forces, left 38 people dead including eight suicide bombers.

The Iraqi forces have also detained two Daesh militants and detonated nine booby-trapped cars with the help of the international alliance air force.

Source: MENA