Iraqi soldiers

Head of Iraqi parliament's Security and Defense Committee Hakim al Zamili said Friday that more than 20 Iraqi soldiers were killed and 30 others injured in a US air strike.

In a statement, Zamili added that the soldiers, from the Iraqi Army's 55 brigade, were killed and injured in a US air strike on the town of al Naimiya in the al Fallujah province.

He urged Iraqi Prime Minister and General Commander of the Armed Forces Haider al Abadi to conduct an urgent investigation into the air strike against the 55 brigade, which made a big victory against Daesh terrorists in the area.

Meanwhile, Iraqi troops resumed a military operation to liberate Fallujah city of Anbar province, where 62 Daesh militants were killed, explosive devices were defused and vehicles, houses and an ammunition warehouse were destroyed, spokesman for Baghdad Operations Command Brigadier General Saad Maen said.

Sources: MENA