New mass execution sites

 Hundreds of captives were gunned down by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists in Iraq, bringing the total number of executed Iraqi soldiers to 770, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said.
According to HRW, testimony from survivors and footage showed that at least three more execution sites have been found in Iraq. New evidence indicates ISIL Takfiri terrorists killed between 560 and 770 men who were captured when they overran Camp Speicher, a military base near the city of Tikrit, Middle East Monitor reported.
In mid-June, ISIL claimed it killed 1,700 soldiers from Camp Speicher, while the army officially listed them as missing.
Iraq's security forces also found a mass grave containing 23 bodies of truck drivers, who were executed by the ISIL terrorists in Tikrit city of Salahuddin province.
Security sources said the victims' bodies were found with gunshots in the heads in Suleiman Bek sub-district, of Tuz Khurmatu district, in Eastern Tikrit.