Site of a car bomb attack

At least 18 people were killed and 64 others wounded as a result of a suicide bombing and mortar attacks here on Wednesday.
A booby-trapped car exploded at a security checkpoint in Al-Mahmudiyah town, south Baghdad, killing six people and wounding more than 20, a security source told KUNA.
Four mortar rounds hit Sab'e El-Bor neighborhood, north Baghdad, killing two civilians and wounding nine others, while a similar mortar attack killed seven people and injured two dozen in Al-Shu'la district.
A bomb attack killed one person and injured 10 others in Al-Shaab district, north Baghdad while a similar attack killed two people and wounded five others in Soteih village, Al-Mada'en district, south Baghdad.
The violent acts took place a few days after the government decided to lift the decade-long night curfew in the capital city.