Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani

Masoud Barzani, president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, said the achievements made in the battle for Mosul represent a severe blow to the terrorist group Daesh.
He did not however give a forecast of when the final battle for the northern Iraqi city will be waged.
Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, sister publication to Arab News, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Barzani said the Peshmerga, or Kurdish fighters, had lost 1,668 people in the fight against Daesh, while 9,725 had been injured. Daesh has lost 15,000 of its terrorists.
Barzani said Kurdistan region officials are maintaining good relations with the administration of the new US President Donald Trump, hopeful that it will lend its support to the Kurds.
He also said that he does not expect the US to meddle in Iraq, adding that it is Iran that tries to influence the course of politics in Baghdad.
Barzani said statements by the Trump team indicate that the US will adopt a firm policy against Iran, reversing entirely the position adopted by former US President Barack Obama.
He said he had told Iraqi officials in Baghdad that the Iraqis failed to build a real partnership with the Kurds, but that he wishes to be “good neighbors.”
On the possibility of returning to a united Iraq, Barzani said it was an extremely difficult situation; he also ruled out a return of the Kurds to the fold in Syria.
Barzani stressed that if by any chance Nouri Al-Maliki, former prime minister of Iraq, returns to power, Barzani will declare the independence of the state of Kurdistan.
“Unfortunately, Al-Malki adopted a sectarian and authoritarian approach and turned against Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, imagining that he was the sole ruler of Iraq,” said Barzani.

Source: Arab News