Separate attacks kill, wound at least 100 Iraqis

 Separate attacks killed and wounded more than 100 Iraqis, including members of military, police and civilians in Nineveh province in Mosul, said police on Friday.
Two suicide bombers driving in two separate cars blew themselves up today in Muwafaqiya village, inhabited by Kurds, killing four people and wounding 51 others, a police source in Nineveh province told KUNA.
The gunmen camouflaged in military uniforms attacked stores in al-Ghazlani area south of Mosul, killing ten soldiers and wounding three others, added the source.
He pointed out that the security forces cordoned off the area and rushed the injured and the demised to hospitals.
In another incident, a security source said unknown gunmen clashed today with Iraqi Army troops at Al-Zahra neighborhood east of Mosul, injuring four.
He also added that unidentified gunmen clashed with the police area west of Mosul, injuring seven policemen.
Meanwhile, anti-riot police clashed today with members of the organization the Islamic State of Iraq and (Daash) west of Mosul, killing a policeman, three gunmen and wounding 23 others