
The Joint Iraqi Operations Command announced on Monday that the army is now in full control of Ramadi weeks after fierce fighting with Daesh militants.

The Iraqi flag is now rising over the government complex in Ramadi, a former government compound where the militants had been holding out, the spokesman for the command said in a statement aired by Iraqiya Channel.

The government forces are now combing the city to defuse mines and explosives planted by the militant group.

He added that there are still some pockets of resistance in parts of the city.

Daesh militants seized Ramadi, about 55 miles (90km) west of Baghdad, in May after attacking the city with suicide bombers and booby-trapped cars, forcing army forces to withdraw without waiting for orders from the higher army command.

For weeks, Iraqi government forces, backed by coalition air strikes, have been trying to retake the Sunni Arab city.

Source: MENA