A woman holds up a white flag as she runs to greet her relative in Mosul, Iraq on Sunday

The women ululated as residents waved white flags Sunday in celebration of Iraqi forces who drove Daesh group terrorists from their eastern Mosul neighborhood of Al-Khadraa.
“We are raising white flags to show the army that we’re peaceful,” said shopkeeper Abu Mohammad, a man in his 70s, as he stood outside his store.
Iraqi forces launched a major offensive on Oct. 17 to retake Mosul.
On Saturday, they drove Daesh out of Al-Khadraa after days of fierce fighting.
Abu Mohammad said residents greeted the army with flowers to show their appreciation, and immediately he reopened his shop.
“We are now done” with the radicals, he said. But intermittent gunfire and explosions could still be heard in the distance and Iraqi forces say they are still hunting down diehard radicals who may be hiding in the area.
“There are residents who are cooperating with us,” said Lt. Nasser Al-Ruqabi from the Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS).

Source: Arab News