Conduct 70 airstrikes on Daesh sites

Iraqi and US-led warplanes conducted 70 airstrikes against Daesh posts in several districts within the last 24 hours, an Iraqi military statement said Monday.

The report added that 13 strikes were launched by the Iraqi air force's warplanes and 40 others by the Iraqi army to support ground forces, while 17 airstrikes were carried out by the US-led coalition.

The airstrikes targeted Daesh sites in three districts in Nineveh province and two others in Anbar, the statement added.

At least 86 Daesh militants were killed, several fortified positions, hideouts, weapons, vehicles and ammunition were destroyed in the airstrikes and other military operations launched by the Iraqi army and security police.

Also, 22 explosive devices were safely detonated east of Ramadi in Anbar province, the statement concluded.

Meanwhile, Iraqi forces managed to repel a Daesh attack east of Ramadi, where a Daesh militant was killed and an Iraqi officer was injured.

Source: MENA