Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al Jabouri

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al Jabouri said the victory achieved by Iraqi forces in southern Mosul indicates liberating not only Nineveh, but the whole Iraqi territories as well.

These remarks were made on the sidelines of Jabouri's visit on Tuesday to al Qayyarah town, located about 30 km south of Mosul, in order to check on the ongoing military operation against Daesh terrorist group.

He met with military and field leaders in Nineveh where he saw for himself the conditions of the displaced.

After liberating Mosul, he noted, it would be easy to retake al Hawija district in Kirkuk and other outposts that were under the control of Daesh terrorists in Anbar in western Iraq. 

Jabouri further stressed he believes this victory could pave the way for a large-scale national dialogue and bridge the gap between Iraqi political parties; being motivated by high morale following the anticipated liberation process of Mosul.

The Iraqi official, meanwhile, underscored the importance of eliminating Daesh in Mosul, not just driving it out of the city.

"We are waging a battle on behalf of the whole world", he stressed.

Source: MENA