Iraqi forces urge Anbar town residents to stay away

Iraqi forces urged on Sunday residents of Daesh's two last remaining strongholds in western Al Anbar to stay away from the militants, the Iraqi military media cell reported.

Iraqi Air Force planes dropped thousands of leaflets to Daesh-held Qaim and Rawah districts near the Syrian borders, urging locals to remain away from Daesh militants and their positions.

The leaflets also urged gunmen in the governorate to hand over their weapons.

After overrunning vast territories in both Iraq and Syria in 2014, Daesh has recently suffered a string of major defeats at the hands of the Iraqi army and a US-led coalition

In August, the group lost Tal Afar in Iraq’s northern Nineveh province. And one month earlier, the city of Mosul -- once the capital of Daesh’s self-proclaimed “caliphate” -- fell to the army following a nine-month campaign.

Source: MENA