Iraqi government forces and fighters from Popular Mobilization Units advance towards the village of Ayn Nasir

Iraqi forces continued on Tuesday purging al Ewizza village after recapturing it from Daesh terrorists in the northern axis of operation to liberate Daesh-held city of Mosul.

Many tunnels used by Daesh terrorists to escape and hide have been discovered by the Iraqi forces during the purge as well as large quantities of mortar shells.

Earlier in the day, Iraqi forces managed to destroy an armored vehicle belonging to Daesh terrorists northern Salah el Din governorate.

In Salah el Din's al Fatha district, Popular Mobilization Forces killed a Dash leader during clashes near oil fields there.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Daesh terrorists have kidnapped as many as 295 former security personnel in Mosul and evacuated some 1,500 families from some parts in Mosul to use them as human shields.

Source: MENA