Iraqi forces kill 19 Daesh militants

Nineteen Daesh militants were killed by Iraqi forces in Anbar and Baghdad.

The forces resumed a military offensive in southern Fallujah and Therthar in Anbar, killing 16 terrorists, dismantling 20 explosive charges and destroying a vehicle mounted with a single-barreled machine gun, a statement issued by the Baghdad Operation Command said.

In Baghdad's Yusufiyah town, the forces destroyed two vehicles mounted with single-barreled machine guns, killed three terrorists inside it, defused two explosive charges and seized firearms and explosives, it said.

In another development, spokesman of the Baghdad Operations Command Saad Maan said two women were arrested at Bazbez crossing, west of Baghdad, while trying to smuggle official documents and cell phones.

The women were being searched when 100 civil IDs, 100 phosphor-banded stamps, 100 Iraqi nationality certificates with non-filled blanks were found with them, Maan said.

Source: MENA