Iraqi Forces Foil ISIS Attack in Northeast Iraq

Iraqi security forces and army foiled last night an attack organized by ISIS militants in Diyala province, northeast Iraq. 
An Iraqi police source said in a statement that the security forces and the army were able to defeat an attack by ISIS militants to hold down some critical areas in Al-Adheem town north of Baqubah. 
The source noted that military reinforcements has arrived in the area and imposed strict security measures in anticipation of further attacks. 
With regard to the ongoing military operations aimed at the liberating the Right Coast of Mosul, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said that the forces were advanced towards many of the areas that were controlled by the ISIS organization and freed some of the cities. 
The ministry said that forces from the Iraqi army, police and air force, in cooperation with the international alliance air force succeeded in liberating Talul Atshana and Hay Al-Mamoun, in addition to large parts of AL-Jawsaq neighborhood and Al-Tayaran. 
The ministry reported that invasion and intrusions in those areas resulted in killing dozens of ISIS militants, blowing up more than 60 roadside bombs, and destroying 13 car bombs and warehouses. 

Source: QNA