Turkish troops

An Iraqi military official has welcomed an announcement in Ankara about the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Zalkan camp in Bashiqa on the borders of Mosul, northwest of Iraq.

In statements to MENA, Iraq's defense ministry spokesman Nasir Nuri said that the announcement could be a positive sign and a step in the right direction.

Nuri voiced hope that full withdrawal could be completed during the coming days, noting that nothing concrete happened in the withdrawal process till yesterday.

Nuri stressed that Turkey only moved and re-deployed its troops.

He called on the Turkish troops to fully withdraw its troops from Iraq.

Tensions between Baghdad and Ankara have been running high since December 4, when Turkey deployed heavily armed soldiers backed by two dozen tanks to the Bashiqa base.

Turkey has deployed about 150 troops and 25 tanks to the Bashiqa camp in the northern Iraqi province, without Baghdad’s approval, allegedly as part of an international mission to train and equip Iraqi forces to fight Daesh.

Source: MENA