Iraq's joint operations command on Monday denied Turkey was participating in military

The Joint Command of the Iraqi Forces on Monday denied Turkey's participation in the operation launched eight days ago to liberate Mosul from the grip of Daesh militants.

Spokesman for the Iraqi Joint Command Brigadier General Yehia el Zubeidi said reports on Turkish troops' participation in Mosul liberation operations are "bare of truth".

On Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildrim had announced that Turkish troops had joined the military offensive by the request of Kurdish Peshmerga forces, who have been deployed near Mosul.

The Peshmerga have been mobilized to cleanse the Bashiqa region from Daesh. They asked for help from our soldiers at the Bashiqa base. So we are helping the tanks with our artillery and howitzers there," he said.

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry has summoned the Turkish ambassador in Baghdad on October 13 to protest against the remarks of Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan on his interference in Iraqi domestic affairs and the presence of Turkish troops in Bashiqa base in northeastern Mosul without the approval of the Iraqi government.

Source: MENA