Iraq's Mosul Liberation Operation Will Start Soon: US General Disclosed

A high-level meeting took place Wednesday evening grouping President Fuad Masum, Prime Minister Haider Abadi, Parliament Speaker Selim Gabouri and head of Supreme Judicial Council Mehat Mahmoud to discuss preparations for long-awaited Mosul liberation from Daesh operation.

Talks tackled efforts to liberate Mosul, capital of Ninawa, fighters who will engage in the liberation operation as well as ways to minimize civilian casualties and steps taken to bring stability to the area once freed of Daesh control.

Participants called for placing the country's higher interests above any other interest, discarding disagreements and strengthening relations among the executive, judicial and legislative authorities.

No official date has been set for this Mosul offensive; however, it is expected to be launched before year-end.

Recently, the Iraqi Armed Forces liberated the key towns of Al Baghdadi and Al Shirqat from Daesh terrorists that controlled them for over two years; which paved the way for the government forces to clear the last terrorist pockets around the Al Anbar and Salahiddeen governorates.

Source: MENA