France deeply concerned by conflict in northern Iraq

France said on Wednesday that it was deeply concerned by the outbreak of fighting in northern Iraq and the occupation of large areas there by the radical group, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
The group has taken over a whole province in northern Iraq, and notably overrun Mosul, the second largest city in the area.
"France is deeply concerned by the taking of control of important parts of Iraqi territory by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant," a Foreign Ministry statement said here.
Paris said it wanted to "express solidarity with the Iraqi people and reiterate its support for the authorities in their fight against terrorism." France warned of the dangers the ISIL attack presented for the region and its people.
"Everything must be done to guarantee the security of civilian populations and all communities, notably Christian minorities," the French statement said.
France also urged all political forces to set up "an inclusive dialogue" between them and to bring in all parties that reject violence.
This dialogue is "more than ever save the unity of the country and overcome the challenge of terrorism," Paris said