
Marc Schakal, head of mission in Jordan and Iraq for Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), voiced his concern over the cur-rent situation in the region and the need to ensure the safety of the MSF members, while continuing to provide medical care for the communities they serve.
Schakal told Petra that the organization is making contacts with all people in turbulent regions to continue their mission, noting that it will coordinate with local authorities, tribes, as well as governments in those countries to en-sure the safety of its staff.
On the latest developments in Iraq, he said the organization has been present in Erbil in northern Iraq for one year to provide services to refugees camps in that area, adding that the MSF also provides mobile clinics in the city of Mosul to offer services to refugees.
The MSF, he added, has been active in the Gaza Strip for 10 years, providing medical care to Gazans.
Regarding the first medical conference to be held by the organization in Jordan, Schakal said it will take place September 21-22 with the participation of 80 experts from Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, India, the United States, France and Switzerland.