Baghdad, Iraq

Security source in the province of Diyala announced today announced that security forces had killed a cousin of DAASH Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and one of his aides during clashes in the district of Al-Muqdadiyah, northeast of Baquba in northeastern Iraq.
The source added that "the cousin of DAASH leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, called Mizban Al-Badri and code named Mizban Al-Aaraj was killed along with one of his aides during armed clashes that erupted at dawn today, in the villages of Nofal, north of Al-Muqdadiya.
Meanwhile,10 members of the Army and Al-Sahwa (Awakening) were killed and wounded in an armed attack by unknown assailants on a joint checkpoint in northern Baghdad.
Police said unidentified gunmen riding in a modern car opened this morning machine guns fire toward an Iraqi army and Al-Sahwa joint checkpoint, north of Baghdad, killing two members of Al Sahwa and a soldier in the army and injuring seven others." The source added that security forces found an unidentified hand-cuffed body of a young man with bullets effects in the area of Al-Husseiniya in northeastern Baghdad.