US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter

US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter has warned the US and its allies will need to stay in Iraq - even after Daesh militant group is defeated, Sky news reported.

Speaking at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Carter said the militant group was on a path to defeat but "there will still be much more to do after that to make sure that, once defeated, Daesh stays defeated".

He added: "We'll need to continue to counter foreign fighters trying to escape and Daesh's attempts to relocate or reinvent itself.

"To do so, not only the United States but our coalition must endure and remain engaged militarily."

He did not say how much longer the US presence in Iraq would be necessary or the number of troops required.

But he did say that the coalition would be needed to assist in training and supporting the local police, border guards and other forces working to keep the country free of the militants.

He also said that US President Barack Obama has directed the Joint Special Operations Command to concentrate on destroying Daesh's ability to launch attacks in the West.

Source: MENA