
A contingent of Canada's elite commandos were thrown into a day-long battle alongside Kurdish Peshmerga fighters as Daesh terrorists launched ther biggest offensive in Iraq since Western troops arrived in the region 18 months ago, the CBC News reported.

A three-pronged assault, involving hundreds of extremists, took place along a wide front in the sector, northwest of the Kurdish capital of Irbil, where Canadian special forces have been training local forces, Canada Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan said.

Overall, the surprise attack involved five locations — Nawaran, Bashiqa, Tel Aswad, Khazr and Zardik — according to local media reports.

A statement from Kurdistan Regional Security Council said "car bombs, mortars and rockets" were used to open up each attack on Wednesday and they were followed up by Daesh fighters. In one area — Nawaran — extremists set off nine car bombs, according to local reports.

The Canadian special forces trainers laid down supporting fire to back up the Kurds as they undertook a counter-offensive on Thursday.

There are 69 Canadian special forces trainers on the ground and the incident will likely re-ignite the debate about whether the troops are involved in combat.

There were no Canadian casualties.

Source: MENA