Bombings in Iraq, including two car bombs at a sheep market, killed at least eight people and wounded dozens more on Friday, security and medical officials said. Brigadier General Abdul Jalil al-Assadi, the police chief of Diwaniyah province, said the car bombs went off at about 7:30 am (0430 GMT) in the market, south of the province's capital of the same name. Dr Adnan Turki, director of the Diwaniyah health department, put the toll from the blasts at six dead and 60 wounded, revising an earlier count. Two roadside bombs exploded in a village near Dujail, north of Baghdad, killing one person and wounding five, including three police, a police lieutenant colonel and a doctor said. One soldier was killed by a magnetic "sticky bomb" on his car near the north Iraq city of Mosul, an army first lieutenant and a doctor said. And two car bombs -- one near a school and another near a police checkpoint -- detonated in Mussayib, south of Baghdad, wounding two people, police and a medic said. The blasts came a day after at least 26 people were killed and more than 60 wounded in a series of bomb attacks in the Baghdad area and shootings in northern Iraq. Violence in Iraq is down significantly from its 2006-2007 peak, but even 10 years after the 2003 US-led invasion which toppled dictator Saddam Hussein, attacks still occur almost every day.