Turkish troops

The US Embassy here said on Thursday that the US Vice President Joe Biden reviewed Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi in a phone conversation that took place on Wednesday about his call to Turkey to withdraw its troops from northern Iraq.

Biden spoke with al Abadi following his call with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Tuesday.

During the conversation, the US vice president noted the recent deployment of Turkish forces into northern Iraq had occurred without the prior consent of the Iraqi government. Both leaders welcomed initial indications of the withdrawal of some Turkish forces and agreed this should continue, reiterating that any foreign forces can only be present in Iraq with the coordination and permission of the Iraqi government.

Biden reaffirmed the United States' commitment to Iraqi sovereignty and territorial integrity and called on Turkey to do the same by withdrawing any military forces from Iraqi territory that have not been authorized by the Iraqi government.

He encouraged continued dialogue between Iraq and Turkey to address any outstanding grievances in the spirit of mutual cooperation. Both leaders reaffirmed their continued commitment to the fight against Daesh terrorist group in Iraq.

Sources: MENA