At least 28 people were killed and dozens more wounded in a wave of attacks across Iraq, while the head of Baghdad\'s provincial council escaped assassination in the capital. Sunday\'s deadliest attack hit in and around the city of Hilla, the predominantly Shiite capital of Babil province South of Baghdad, where two car bombs killed 16 people, according to police and medical sources, AlJazeera reported. In Baghdad, meanwhile, a car bomb hit the convoy of Riyadh al-Adhadh, the chief of the provincial council and a Sunni legislator belonging to the party of the national parliament speaker. Adhadh was unharmed but two others, including one of his bodyguards, were killed and four were wounded. Several other deadly attacks happened South of Baghdad, in Karbala, Nasiriyah, Suweirah and Hafriyah, as well as the predominantly Sunni cities of Abu Ghraib and Mosul. The latest violence comes amid a months-long increase in violence, Iraq\'s worst since 2008. Just a day earlier, a suicide bomber at a funeral near Mosul, Iraq\'s main Northern city, killed 27 people and wounded dozens more, while violence in just the past week has left more than 150 people dead. Authorities have sought to combat the bloodshed with a range of anti-militant operations and tight traffic rules in the capital, but Iraq has continued to suffer deadly attacks.