At least seven people were killed when a suicide bomber detonated a car packed withexplosives on Sunday,and severely damaging a Bridge in Anbar.The car bomb exploded at a checkpoint near Hauz Bridge in Ramadi city killing seven people, injuring 10 others and destroying the bridge, a security source in Anbar said.A series of attacks in Iraq, including a shooting at a security checkpoint and a suicide car bomb, killed 16 people and destroyed a bridge on Sunday, said officials.Police officials said the deadliest attack took place when attackers sprayed with bullets a group of troops manning a checkpoint early Sunday, near the city of Mosul, 360 kilometers (225 miles) northwest of Baghdad. Police said seven soldiers were killed in the attack.Hours later, a suicide bomber set off his explosive-laden car on the main al-Houz bridge near Ramadi city, killing five people and wounding seven. Police said parts of the bridge fell into the Euphrates river.Ramadi is 115 kilometers west of Baghdad.Also, a bomb explosion at the entrance of an out-door market killed four shoppers and wounded nine others in Baghdad’s southern suburb of Youssifiyah, according to the police.