Eight people were killed and 24 others injured today in a suicide belt attack that targeted a consolation ceremony in the centre of Al Ramadi in Al Anbar province .Police said : consolation ceremony was targeted because it was held for an awakening (Sahwa) officer, killed yesterday, noting that a security forces headed immediately towards the incident’s scene and cordoned it off while ambulances were rushed to evacuate the injured to hospitals for treatment and the dead bodies to the Forensic Department .On the security front as well, armed clashes broke out between the army and armed elements in the regions and Annaz Zawbaa, near Abu Ghraib, east of Fallujah. The clashes led to the closure of the international highway in western Iraq .Anbar Operations announced that an army force managed to kill 10 of Daash organization’s elements, south of Fallujah in western Iraq and seized three Grad rockets . In a related development, a police member was killed and 6 others injured after unidentified gunmen attacked a military brigade headquarters south of Tikrit in northern Iraq .Police said the attackers kidnapped seven police members. Security forces imposed a curfew after the attack.