Eight people were killed and 33 wounded in separate shootings and bombings in central and northern Iraq on Thursday, the police said. Three people were killed and 14 wounded, including three policemen, when two roadside bombs detonated near a police patrol in Nahrawan area, in the southeastern part of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. In a separate incident, a booby-trapped car went off at the industrial area in Baghdad southern district of Baiyaa, killing two people and wounding ten. Also in Baghdad, six people were wounded when a roadside bomb ripped through al-Dowanim area in southwestern the capital. In northern Iraq, gunmen broke into a house in al-Zanjily district in central the city of Mosul, some 400 km north of Baghdad, and shot dead two women before they fled the scene, a local police source anonymously told Xinhua. Meanwhile, gunmen opened fire on a car carrying four soldiers in the southern part of Mosul, killing one and wounding three, the source said. Violence is still common in Iraq despite a dramatic decrease since its peak in 2006 and 2007, when the country was engulfed in sectarian killings.