Houthi militia

Yemeni field sources on Monday said 63 of Houthi and Saleh militants were killed and dozens others injured in violent clashes with resistance forces in various Yemeni provinces.

Al Arabiya news channel quoted the sources as saying that 20 Houthis were killed in clashes with the popular resistance forces on several fronts in Jawf province.

Sources added that the Yemeni national army and the popular resistance, backed by the Arab coalition forces achieved progress in the southwestern front.

Some 17 Houthis were killed and 25 others were injured in Ibb province, while nine militants were killed and three others were injured in Taiz.

Six others militants were killed in Dhamar province.

Violent clashes also erupted in Beidha province, where 11 militants were killed and others were injured. The popular resistance forces restored several districts in the same province.

Source: MENA